What a time for this to happen – just as this nice interview with me was posted, somewhere between upgrading my version of Aperture and my Flickr account, the past year of something creative every day has been completely wiped out. I don’t think I have much of a chance of reinstating it, but I have written to Flickr to ask for their help. In the mean time, please excuse all the broken images and links you will find with anything relating to the past year of something creative every day.
Month: August 2011
Shock; wonder: I am now Likeable on Facebook
Facebook and I don’t get along. I’m not a tin-foil-hat, but I consider Facebook to be a privacy catastrophe, so I have so far managed to avoid it at all costs.
Hospital have, on several occasions now, attempted to railroad me into signing up, with varying degrees of failure – one of my least successful attempts involved Facebook deleting my account as they wouldn’t let me use the alias Creamy Horse. What a hate parade.
Despite my concerns, I have since managed to come to a compromise with the platform: I now have a page. This seems like a reasonable compromise to me – it means you (that’s right, you!) can like me now, and I have a presence there instead of an uncomfortable void.
So what do you get for liking me? Well, that’s not something I can answer, being as inexperienced as I am with the day-to-day workings of the platform. I will be posting links to stuff I post here, which might be of interest to you if you don’t want to have to deliberately visit this site to see if anything is new. I may also start linking to daily creativities if I can wire it up too, but I had a spot of bother attempting to do so earlier today. Oh well. One day at a time!
Something Creative for the past month and a bit
It feels like a lot longer than it has actually been since my last monthly roundup of daily creativities. I guess this is a good thing, as it means I have missed less days than I felt like I had over the past month. A better month in hindsight than it felt like at the time – my favourites include the Amigos and Treadtill, reminding myself I can kinda draw, and of course the Plush Space Shuttle was amazing too, just in time for its final voyage. I’m still sad that NASA wouldn’t retweet it though.
After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative for the past month and a bit”
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