An Augustian month of daily creativity

Well it’s goodbye to August and its typically British meteorological disappointments, and with it, it takes another four weeks of (mostly) daily creativity.

It’s the usual blend of uselessness and a peppering of inspired ideas, with some personal highlights being all of the architecture that has already featured on this very blog, and I think the Indian Runner Duck iPhone case turned out pretty nicely too.

In the month, Craft magazine blogged my Caps Loch Monster, which isn’t the first time they’ve taken a liking to one of my daily creativities. I think if they pick up on anything else I might have to ask them to write about me! My repair job on the Hospital ImageWriter was bizarrely popular too, but I think that was mostly because London Elektricity retweeted it, and it proved interesting to the Hospital stalkers.

On comes September now! In a week or so, it will be the first anniversary of my SCED project, but because of some mysterious gremlins, despite being a year later, it will be neither 365 days of junk nor twelve months of it! The space-time continuum is crumbling before my very eyes! aaaargh!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “An Augustian month of daily creativity”

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