Something Creative to end up 2010

Here are my last four weeks of daily creativities to end 2010, leading all the way up to January 1st, 2011. Most of this junk is consumed by pictures of American life and drawings of its buildings, but there is some other good stuff from the past month too- I am particularly proud of my response to the student protests from early December. I only have a few more days left here in the States this year, so maybe next month will be less obsessed with the US postal system!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative to end up 2010”

Something Creative for most November Days

Another month passes, and shamefully with no intermittent blog posts! Anyway, here is another month of fun, from midterms to moustaches via ships and the south circular. I still don’t think I’ve recovered from Thanksgiving dinner!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative for most November Days”

Something Creative (nearly) Every Day in October

This month, I managed to continue my daily creativity while on a weekend break with Lilly in Berlin. My favourite things from this month are probably a couple of machines- a Time-Machine-come-Postbox and a revolution in sliced bread. It’s also appropriate this roundup came today too, because I notice that our home secretary is wearing her spacesuit yet again today!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative (nearly) Every Day in October”

Another four weeks of SCED!

I didn’t realise until I came to make this post this morning that I hadn’t written anything else on my blog since the last Something Creative Every Day roundup, which is a little slack of me. It has been a busy month for work though, as you may notice from some of the dailies here- the Danny Byrd album project Rave Digger is in full swing and is looking to be the biggest album I have worked on, both in terms of the amount of stuff I have done for it and exposure (here’s hoping for a Top 40 chart position on the leadup single Ill Behaviour tomorrow)!

I’ll be rounding it all up on this blog when everything has come together, which has to wait until the album is actually out, I suppose- Hospital have locked away copies of the CD in a safe and won’t even give me one to check the print! haha. This will happen soon though- it’s out on 11th October!

The first anniversary of my daily creativity project passed in the past four weeks too, which I marked with an abstract series of coloured squares. This seemed to cause some confusion though. I said it was abstract! As a landmark in time, it got me wondering when I should stop, and the best I could conclude was to continue to carry on until something good comes of it. What that means I’m not sure, but I’m sure I’ll know it when it happens.

So my favourite thing from this month is probably my Inventory of everything on my desk right now (/then?), just because it seemed to become a little runaway point of interest from people. I even had Tony at Hospital asking me ‘I think it’s great that you did it, but what on earth possessed you to draw it all?’ when I was in the office the other day!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Another four weeks of SCED!”

An Augustian month of daily creativity

Well it’s goodbye to August and its typically British meteorological disappointments, and with it, it takes another four weeks of (mostly) daily creativity.

It’s the usual blend of uselessness and a peppering of inspired ideas, with some personal highlights being all of the architecture that has already featured on this very blog, and I think the Indian Runner Duck iPhone case turned out pretty nicely too.

In the month, Craft magazine blogged my Caps Loch Monster, which isn’t the first time they’ve taken a liking to one of my daily creativities. I think if they pick up on anything else I might have to ask them to write about me! My repair job on the Hospital ImageWriter was bizarrely popular too, but I think that was mostly because London Elektricity retweeted it, and it proved interesting to the Hospital stalkers.

On comes September now! In a week or so, it will be the first anniversary of my SCED project, but because of some mysterious gremlins, despite being a year later, it will be neither 365 days of junk nor twelve months of it! The space-time continuum is crumbling before my very eyes! aaaargh!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “An Augustian month of daily creativity”

Something Creative (nearly) Every Day in July

It’s that time again!

Well it’s not all just July, and it’s not July in its entirety either as I took a little holiday this month, but here is another four weeks worth of daily creative nonsense anyway!

Some of the better stuff this month includes a couple of tiny stopmotion experiments, and I’m also weirdly satisfied with this picture of a building near my home. The rest of the month is a bit random, but I’m sure a couple of the ideas in there have some merit to them!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative (nearly) Every Day in July”

June SCED Excitement

Well, another month has passed since my last Something Creative Every Day roundup, and sadly that also means a month has passed since my last blog post. I guess I haven’t been doing anything exciting enough to warrant a whole blog post outside of these daily nuggets of creativity:

There are plenty of good ideas here- I am particularly pleased with my USB Onion and think the Runaway could have legs. It was nice to paint a couple more T-shirts this month too, particularly as the weather seems to have nicened up a bit!

Also, while I’m writing here, Last month’s Paper iPhone TV Set got some attention on the wider internets: Most of the traffic came from Gizmodo, which pleasantly puzzled me considering I only sent a link to Engadget and Giz posted their story first? [In the unlikely event that someone from Gizmodo is reading this, I’d love to know how you managed that?]. It also made it to a whole host of other european tech/gadget news websites too, so thanks to all for linking!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “June SCED Excitement”

Something Creative Every Day (almost) in May

This month in my world of nonsense, I finally reached one hundred followers on Twitter, gradually managed to fix my Vespa, and avoided the election fever/confusion. Craft magazine also Blogged about my Cardboard Copier this month! thanks for that, Craft!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative Every Day (almost) in May”

SCED Roundup March 2010

Another four weeks has passed, taking with it another four weeks of daily creativity:

It would appear to have been a bit of a slow month in Trickartt world if you have only been following my blog, but it was actually choc full of all kinds of nonsense. I am particularly happy with some of this month’s creative things: my own take on Street Art, a drawing of the local fire station, and an experimental mechanical goose have been personal favourites!

Also thanks to Adobe Photoshop product manager John Nack, who was kind enough to post my InDesign birthday cake onto his official Adobe weblog, and to Adobe InDesign for retweeting it too. I’m glad you guys liked it!

Also thanks to Ash at Med School for writing about my Bop artwork on the new Med School website I made them last month. I’ll stick up a post about it here soon- I’ve been trying to get into the habit of waiting until things come out before I write them up (hence the quietness on my blog this month!).

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “SCED Roundup March 2010”