Farewell, Greetings

I was saddened to find that the greetings I painted and put up in the park last weekend have disappeared without a trace today.

The disappointing thing is they didn’t even last a week, but I guess this is what you have to expect in the topsy-turvy world of unrequited art. I am slightly reassured, though, that they have made somewhat of a clean getaway, because it doesn’t suggest vandalism caused their end.

The optimist in me wants to believe someone took them because they liked them, but as their disappearance is so tidy, it’s likely that the relevant authorities (perhaps whoever put the frames up?) took them down. I would be reassured by this if the frames are actually filled with whatever was intended of them in the near future though.

Oh well. At least I got some good photos of them when they were up, as visible in the aforelinked blog post.

A Non-Permanent Unrequited Public Art Installation

Since I moved to Rickmansworth a few years ago, I have taken an almost-daily walk around the local park, the Aquadrome. I chuckle at all the waterbirds and see child after child fall off their micro-scooters on my travels, but it mostly serves to keep me fit. None of my jeans fit me any more, which is a nice problem to have.

A couple of months ago, I noticed these two frames erected by one of the entrances:

I figured they weren’t filled at the time so the concrete they were affixed with could set. So many weeks have now passed that the seasons have changed but the frames still haven’t been filled. The Rickmansworth Festival in the park came and went too, and I thought for sure they would be filled in time for that. Alas, they stayed empty.

Then the idea hit me – why not fill them myself?! I’m not down with vandalism, so I figured I could staple some canvas to them without causing any lasting damage, and I had a nice little project for the Bank Holiday.

I took a little bit of inspiration from Austin, Texas’ Hi How Are You? frog, which has become a bit of a landmark around there as they seem to appreciate the greeting. Perhaps my people will appreciate it too?

Rickmansworth: my modernist motherland

I live in Rickmansworth. It isn’t really fair to call it my motherland; I just couldn’t resist the alliteration! I might not have been born or brought up here, but I have been living here for a good few years now and am kinda attached to it. In fact, the townspeople seem to like having me here too, as every May, they get together and celebrate ‘Ricky Week’!

At Ricky Week a couple of years back, the church at the bottom of my street opened its tower to the public, so Lilly and I went up there as it offered a nice view over our village. While we were up there, I overheard an older fella muttering about how the village has been ruined by all the modern architecture.

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