Pressing News


DSC_0120The Letterpress I got Lilly for her Birthday saw a little bit of action this weekend, in the form of this bumble bee, named princess wings.


pwoPrincess wings was a picture I drew Lilly a few years back of a bumble bee with fake wings tied onto it. I spent the weekend carving it out of a random chunk of MDF that happened to be hanging out here, and ran it through the press today. Unfortunately, when I was carving, I didn’t do too well at carving out her eyes (I managed to carve them right off), so considering the abundance of googley eyes I find in my posession, I thought I’d add a couple of those instead!

To my surprise, it worked! I think we might need some better ink though- we’ve been using block printing inks as we couldn’t find anywhere in London that sold proper letterpressing ink- I think eBay is going to be the answer for that.

Be sure to see more adventures from the letterpress in the future though!

SCED Roundup- Stream of consciousness

In case you haven’t ventured over to my flickr to see my creative stream of consciousness that is my Something Creative Every Day project, here is the past month in action. Well, I suppose it’s a little over a month as I’ve missed a day here or there, but it’s 28 days in all.

Who am I kidding, I’m just putting this here for my own pleasure, to remind myself how much creative nonsense I produce! Is that bad?

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “SCED Roundup- Stream of consciousness”

31 Records Refresh


It’s been in the works for a little while now, but I’m pleased to say I got a new housebag sleeve for Doc Scott’s 31 Records signed off today!

It was nice to work with a label from which I own a few releases from my record-collecting days. The 31 Records identity hadn’t seen a refresh pretty much since it started back in 1995, so it was extra-satisfying to bring it into the future!

The artwork isn’t so meaningless- if you pay close attention, there are actually 31 of every point in the pattern!

I’ve also attached another idea I had, that I think was a bit jazzy for the label, but I’m rather fond of nonetheless, so there you go! It’s pretty literal, but I like it!

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