Hospital realised that WordPress isn’t the be-all and end-all of creating functional websites, which was great news for me as hacking up themes take a surprisingly long time! Instead, I’ve been getting to be a little more freeform with the websites I’ve been creating for them lately, resulting in these three little websites:

The idea for this site was borne out of a conversation with Matt Riley, the man in charge of web promo at Hospital. He suggested that as our tracks end up on YouTube anyway and we had such a striking cover photo, that we could make the page a big version of the album cover made up of YouTube videos.
Continue reading “Three Little Websites” →

Happy March, internetters! As we are almost a week into this month, February is well and truly over and now it’s time for another SCED project roundup. I always feel a bit bad when there aren’t other posts between these roundups on the blog, but I was a little bit late with posting last month’s roundup.
So the biggest thing in the past month in my creative world was the revamp my website underwent, although that’s already posted about here. I hope you have been admiring that whether you are a new visitor or old, but I’ll leave that to you!
After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative Every Day, February 2011” →
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