Longest SCED Month Ever

Hey Internet people! Here is my latest month’s worth of daily creativities. Due to the great Flickr washout, it has taken me more than two months to do 28 days of creativity, but I’m reasonably back on track now!

There are some fun things here too; my personal favourites in this batch are What Makes Maurice and Trashbot Junior; maintaining my standards of occasionally-genius visual nonsense!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Longest SCED Month Ever”

Something Creative through June to July

It’s taken a little longer than usual for this monthly roundup of creativities. In the past month I set to work on my webshop, which took a lot more time and energy than I was intending – so much so that I ended up having to take a week off from SCED to pull it all together. The shop is live now, and you can read about it in the previous two posts here on Notes. Cool!

So with the shop whirring away, I am back onto the dailies, and here are the most recent 28 of them following my last monthly roundup! It’s been another happy month in my brain as I’ve come up with some ideas I’m pretty proud of. Anatomy of a beast and the Subourbon biscuits are probably the two strongest, but I also like Cecil’s ride and the previously blogged Me and my fridge a lot too.

Let’s hope the next month will be just as funtimes too!

After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake. Continue reading “Something Creative through June to July”

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