This month, beside getting terrified by the unfoldings of America’s presidential primaries, I’ve done a handful of good drawings on post-it notes!
My faviourites came through earlier in the month – the Classic is so classic I find myself wondering why I had never thought of it before, there was untitled but very satisfactory drawing of Lilly and I cycling up a local hill, and Al the amazing waterproof dog was one of my finer moments too, because it actually looks like a dog.
It’s not really right that I find myself surprised when my drawings actually look like they’re supposed to!
After the fold are all the old direct links, for posterity’s sake.
- Motorised scooter
- Shu Castle
- Windows on the world
- Super Chooseday
- ☑️
- [No title]
- Small business
- Order of the Breakfast Empire
- Fish Pie
- Swirlie 2016
- The Observer
- Rubbernecker
- European Onion
- Package holiday
- José
- Pat Cash in the Attic
- Nut house
- Al Gore Vidal Sassoon
- Astroturf
- [No title]
- Netflix and chili
- I’ve been pondering the fact that Donald Trump has to qualify his Twitter handle with ‘real’. As opposed to an imaginary Donald Trump? Who is actually nice? And not totally self-absorbed?
- Rooves
- Al the amazing waterproof dog
- Classic
- Saved some petrol today
- Dumb experience of the weekend: discovering I still draw still life like a 15-year-old because I haven’t drawn still life since I was 15 years old
- Sardines