I have a bit of a funny relationship with my Sick Music artwork. Maybe it’s because I float around between artist and designer so ambiguously that when I do work like this, I don’t feel like I’m being as creative as I can be. The job is kindof a find a stock image, make it a bit more interesting/relevant and lay it all out! Anyway, it’s all meant to be clean-cut, largely grid-based and stylistically a modern reference to the old Plastic Surgery albums that Sick Music is a spiritual successor to.
Anyway! Here it all is, and there’s a lot of it! I realised it’s a lot more satisfying when I put it all together- it’s a big graphic design project! I should have it up on my Flickr now (as today’s creative activity) here -the nice thing about Flickr is I’ve managed to annotate everything in the image, in case you wondered what each item was.
It’s also worth noting that the image here is reallllly big! You can click on it to see the big version in all its detailed glory 🙂
Sick Music 2 is out this weekend- its formal release date is Monday 26th April, but shops (including Hospital!) have began shipping it already. Yeah!